28.7 * .15 = 4.305 apiol 28.7 * .552 = 15.8 carvone 28.7 * .166 = 4.7642 bylimonene 28.7 * .037 = .790 30gr h20 3+3+33311 bisulfite 114.2 30grm bs + DA + 50ml h2o 104.06 sBisulfite 15.9994 oxygen 1.00794 hydrogen 32.065 sulfer 81.07114 solfonic acid mol (=O)-SO2OH H / R-C--OH \ SO2Na Addition of sodium bisulfite- a reaction formed from aldehydes and some ketones saturated(40%)(aq) solution sodium nitrate experiment ---------------------------------- Na 23.00 g/mol O 16.00 g/mol C 12.01 g/mol N 14.01 g/mol H 1.00 g/mol 03 48.00 g/mol NO3 62.01 g/mol NH3 17.03 g/mol Reagents and Materials Formula Molar Weight ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 28.8 grams sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 84.007 g/mol 27.5 grams ammonia nitrate NH4NO3 80.043 g/mol ------ 27.5 grams sodium nitrate. NaNO3 84.990 g/mol 2d attempt ------------- 79.3 grams ammonia nitrate 39.5 grams sodium hydroxide 39.997 g/mol 3d attempt ---------------- 79.4 grams ammonia nitrate 83. grams of sodium bicarbonate Results ----------------- 1: 27.5 grams sodium nitrate 2: 3: 74 grams sodium nitrate discussion ---------------- 1: product was a bright white when dried after some effort.27.5 grams it a little two high and makes me think that some bicarbonate contamination is in the mix because after a lose of NH3 and a gain of Na there should be a net lose in the molar weight yet quantitive yeilds where observed. 2:lots of fizzing and very strong ammonia smell. It has come to my attention that the NaOH I was using was a mix of NaOH and KOH so the ratio will be way to low for my liking so I will attempt another bicarbonate reaction. After it had dried I added a very small portion of NaOH and the smell of ammonia became appearent so More conversion could be used because as it stands now it is a mixture of sodium/potassium/ammonia nitrate. After drying a small amount of NaOH solution was added and the smell of ammonia because quickly appearent so it it obvious that a total conversion did not take place. Im going to slowly add more and dry and ad more and dry until i no longer smell NH3 from NaOH addition. Smells gone now but it has a hint of urinal smell 3: 2mm crystals precipitated and where dryed but there is some concern with H2O being traped within the crystal structure so i am going to grind it very fine and continue heating it. Next phase ---------------- CaO 56.0774 g/mol NaNO3 84.994669 g/mol NaNO2 68.995267 g/mol nitrite percent of nitrate = 81.175289% nitrite = 18.824711% loss in weight ammonia nitrate ------------------------ Molar mass 80.043 g/mol Sodium bicarbonate ------------------------ Molar mass 84.007 g/mol 78.5 .980722% 82.38. 61.7 total bicarb 58.7 total NH3NO3 118.8 total weight of reactants .734462 Urea/ammonia chloride seperation --------------------------------------- ======================================= NH4Cl 29.7 g/100 water at 0 °C (NH2)2CO 108 g/100 water at (20 °C)