that there is just one way. attempt advertise this 'cure' as it'd been told to me as being for a something which I'd not even known to exist, and still am entirely uncertain just what the hell it is. of course we are not assinane absurdities in this space through time, though more- real. we have no desire nor want or feel to ever wish to control anybody ever. but- We've always been- One. I suppose then that It is the Universe, or Enoch, or the faceless entity. And myself, the "Holy" Spirit. Essentially a personification of nature. And all that it is. ADVERTISE MY BOOK, TO CURE THIS NONSENSE BEFORE THE UNIVERSE DOES WHAT IT WILL. WHICH- I'D FELT AS A POSSIBILITY IN THE PAST. IT HAS BEEN THERE SINCE THE VERY CONCEPTION, AS BEING THE ESSENTIAL BELONGINGING STABLE CONSCIOUS FORCE, I SUPPOSE IN THE WAY THAT I ENVISION WITHIN MY MIND. IT COULD NOT BE IN ANY OTHER. BECAUSE OF RATIONALE FOUNDING BENEATH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE THOUGHT, THIS. ETHANOL, AND WHATEVER OTHER AGENTS OR FORMS OF MEANS THAT PERSONS (AND PERHAPS OTHER SENTIENT ENOUGH LIFE ELSEWHERE, OR EVEN UPON EARTH- SINCE HOW I'D USED TO CONSIDER THIS TOPIC IN MY EARLY TWENTIES... IS THE KINK WHICH BRINGS THE DERAILING OF A PERSON TO A UNNATURALLY OVERCONCERNED AND HELPLESSLY WORRYING STATE WHERE THEY KNOW NOTHING ELSE TO DO THEN AFFECT OTHERS WITH THEIR ACCUMULATED STATE OF UNFORTNUATE AFFAIRS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR PERSONAL CHARACTER, THAT THEY CANNOT HELP- LIKELY; BUT TO. PUSH. IT, ... ONTO. OTHERS. I CAN ONLY PRESUME. USING SIMPLY LOGICAL REASONING. WHICH I AM WELL ABLE TO DO SO GIVEN MY LIFE'S EXPERIENCE IN PSYCHOLOGICAL STATES AND ALL. So- There may be some reason I'd read a textbook on a method of constructing a large shipping marine vehicle in my early life, also. But this? I entirely doubt it had much of a future application beyond my initial desire to in bringing myself to read it, being a knowledge thirsty human, as I've always been. Build a space device, and leave. Taking with me the people. Advertise my cure. Or; ... The rest will take care of itself. ALSO; In writing of Our unwillingness to ever wish to or desire in even the most slight manner to control ANYBODY; And, ... We do not. But It may. NOTE TO SELF: "He/She [IT which has been there from the origin, knows all. As- myself. In some way... Sure. There lays nothing outside of my capable accomplishment. It may simply require some further investigaton and learning in whatever the case at scope of the intention requires in requisite knowing to allow myself to bring about.] BUT; REMEMBER, AS IT WAS TOLD AND THE VERY LITTLE IT HAS EVER SAID, DUE TO LACK OF ANY USEFUL NECCESSITY IN TO DOING SO, BEING- NATURAL AND SANE AS WE ARE BOTH. IS THE SIMPLE CORRECTION OF THE MANNER THROUGH WHICH THIS WAS TOLD; AND IT IS, THIS: "HE/SHE [IT] WHICH "CONTROLS" THE PAST, CONTROLS THE FUTURE." The rest is plain as day, or night. Not that it is of ANY importance or designation, in the least, though; It said it is the Left [timeless, structured, and factual, based, knowing.] and that I am the right [more, imaginative and et cetera. Sure...] But being the sane and reaosnable person which I've always been, well- I'd reversed, or inverted the sides, infinitely... Whatever. Bye.